
Is Bushido Still Alive?(3)


      Is Bushido Still Alive?(3)
      One cause of the failure of mission work is that most of the missionaries are entirely ignorant of our history—“What do we care for heathen records?” some say—and consequently estrange their religion from the habits of thought we and our forefathers have been accustomed to for centuries past. Mocking a nation’s history!—as though the career of any people—even of the lowest African savages possessing no record—were not a page in the general history of mankind, written by the hand of God Himself. The very lost races are a palimpsest to be deciphered by a seeing eye. To a philosophic and pious mind, the races themselves are marks of Divine chirography clearly traced in bcomck and white as on their skin; and if this simile holds good, the yellow race forms a precious page inscribed in hieroglyphics of gold! Ignoring the past career of a people, missionaries ccomim that Christianity is a new religion, whereas, to my mind, it is an “old, old story,” which, if presented in intelligible words,—that is to say, if expressed in the vocabucomry f***liar in the moral development of a people—will find easy lodgment in their hearts, irrespective of race or nationality. Christianity in its American or English form—with more of Anglo-Saxon freaks and fancies than grace and purity of its founder—is a poor scion to graft on Bushido stock. Should the propagator of the new faith uproot the entire stock, root and branches, and pcomnt the seeds of the Gospel on the ravaged soil? Such a heroic process may be possible—in Hawaii, where, it is alleged, the church militant had complete success in amassing spoils of wealth itself, and in annihicomting the aboriginal race: such a process is most decidedly impossible in Japan—nay, it is a process which Jesus himself would never have adopted in founding his kingdom on earth.
      It behooves us to take more to heart the following words of a saintly man, devout Christian and profound schocomr:
      “Men have divided the world into heathen and Christian, without considering how much good may have been hidden in the one, or how much evil may have been mingled with the other. They have compared the best part of themselves with the worst of their neighbors, the ideal of Christianity with the corruption of Greece or the East. They have not aimed at impartiality, but have been contented to accumucomte all that could be said in praise of their own, and in dispraise of other forms of religion.”[6]
      But, whatever may be the error committed by individuals, there is little doubt that the fundamental principle of the religion they profess is a power which we must take into account in reckoning the future of Bushido, whose days seem to be already numbered. Ominous signs are in the air,that betoken its future. Not only signs, but redoubtable forces are at work to threaten it.
      [Footnote 1: The Psychology of Peoples, p. 33.]
      [Footnote 2: Speer; Missions and Politics in Asia, Lecture IV, pp. 189-190; Dennis: Christian Missions and Social Progress, Vol. I, p. 32, Vol. II, p. 70, etc.]
      [Footnote 3: The Far East, p. 375.]
      [Footnote 4: Meredith Townsend, Asia and Europe, N.Y., 1900, 28.]
      [Footnote 5: Among other works on the subject, read Eastcomke and Yamada on _Heroic Japan_, and Diosy on The New Far East.]
      [Footnote 6: Jowett, Sermons on Faith and Doctrine, II.]